Tag: Neon Sign

The Virginian Jackson Hole, a Borbay Neon Painting

The Virginian Lodge Jackson Hole Painting by Borbay

Introducing, my latest neon painting — ‘The Virginian’ — an iconic beacon in the Jackson Hole skyline. But why The Virg? Why now?

Well, you may have heard the property is on sale for a crisp $60,000,000 (the painting will be available for slightly less)… and, as it happens, the broker is friend, collector and patient golf partner — Greg Prugh. So, I figured the timing was perfect.

Care to see this beauty come together in 46 seconds? Look no further than the link above… set to the aptly named track, “Borbay 2.0”, courtesy of my guys Nelson and Ahmed.

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TWIN PEAKS SAN FRANCISCO — A Brendan Ben Feeney Collaboration

Twin Peaks Painting by Borbay

I’m honored and delighted to share the commissioned collaboration between yours truly, and artist extraordinaire — Brendan Ben Feeney. I met BBF on Twitter many years ago… in fact, he was kind enough to send Erin and I a photograph for our wedding back in 2011.

As time developed, so too did our friendship and admiration for one another. When Ben reached out with his idea, I couldn’t wait to begin our Twin Peaks collaboration.

Brendan Ben Feeney Twin Peaks Photo

Here is Ben’s amazing photograph, which guided the way. This work was featured in Tufts Magazine, along with an in-depth profile on BBF.


Here is the entire process inside of one minute… enjoy, and thank you to my boys, The Ambershift, for the delightful sounds.

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Victor City Mural Approved — Fundraising Under Way

Victor City Mural Working Comp

When I spent three months in Teton Village in 2015, I met former Victor mayor, Scott Fitzgerald, at a Silicon Couloir meeting. He described Victor, Idaho (population 2,088) with such enthusiasm, I was sold, and moved to Teton Valley with my family in March of 2016.

It took one round of golf with the current Victor Mayor Jeff Potter, to inspire civic involvement… which lead to my role in the Victor Placemakers Committee, and eventual board seat on the Victor Urban Renewal Agency.  While collectively discussing public art possibilities, another former mayor, Zachary Smith, came up with the brilliant idea to paint the stage in Victor City Park. With the help of my fellow Placemakers — Liv Goodale, Erin Gaffney and Molly Absolon… we built a mural proposal from the ground up… which was approved by City Council last week!

Public art is coming to Victor

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“When Gary Met Jerry” — A Portrait of Gary Cooper in Front of the Seinfeld Diner

Gary Cooper Painting by Borbay

Moving out West from Manhattan, if I set-up shop and began painting pastoral cowboy scenes… they’d (literally) run me out of town, on a rail. No. That wouldn’t work. So… over the past two years… I’ve been trying to identify my vision of the West, through the lens of the East. Finally — the epiphany — Western Cowboys from the silver screen, in front of famous NYC neons. My first? Gary Cooper, from The Westerner, on his horse, in front of the Seinfeld Diner — Monk’s (actually, Tom’s Restaurant).

The narrative? Gary arrives at Monk’s, unannounced, for a drop-in with Jerry. Jerry offers Gary a bowl of cereal. Gary offers Jerry a smoke. They both decide this isn’t working out (it’s not like Gary asked for help moving, right Keith Hernandez?)… so Gary jumps on his horse, in search a gunfight… something ‘The Westerner’ was missing.


Check the entire process inside a hot minute, soundtrack courtesy of Gato Loco. And, pardner, do read-on for more process.

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The Mint Bar Painting, And Great Adventures With Travis and Chas

The Mint Bar Painting by Borbay

It was a great American Adventure! Just yours truly, Chas and Travis of Jackson Hole Stillworks… road tripping from Jackson Hole to Cheyenne, for the Wyoming Governor’s Conference. We ate sushi, drank cocktails, hung out with a man named Monkey…


Here’s my painting of the FABULOUS Mint Bar marquee, a Sheridan landmark, captured in a 45-second time lapse. Thank you MH the Verb and GR Stone for the beats. Now, let’s jump into the road trip!

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Million Dollar Cowboy Bar Painting

Million Dollar Cowboy Boy Bar Painting by Borbay

Saddle-up partner… here is my latest neon painting… The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. This baby began at Four Seasons Jackson Hole, and was completed at Borbay studios. Read more

Old Town Bar Neon Sign Painting

Old Town Bar Neon Painting by Borbay

Whenever I return to Manhattan, I find myself wandering the streets… memories, flowing like wine. In November, I met good friend, Tony Black, for a pint of the dark stuff at Old Town. Before leaving, I told the owner, Fitz, “I’m going to paint your sign.”

Raw Source Image Old Town by Borbay

They say, “do what you say you’re going to do,” so I did… and here was my source image.

My legally issued artistic license allows for interpretation. If you’d like to see the entire process in one minute in time lapse, narrated by yours truly… view this video… more of a photo and commentary person? Read on dear friend.

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Four Winds Jackson Hole Neon Sign Painting

Four Winds Jackson Hole Neon Sign Painting by Borbay

Allow me to introduce the Four Winds, Jackson Hole. This 48″X48″, acrylic on canvas neon painting has been dying to meet you.

Would you like to see how this baby came together in one minute?

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Ashes Hotel Bar Neon Sign

Ashes Hotel Bar Neon Painting by Borbay

At their root, all signs exist to provide information. Some hope to offer a warm welcome. Great signs do way more, they evoke emotion and often memories.

For those of you in the community of people who had the privilege of spending a summer, or more, at Camp Echo Lake in upstate Warrensburg, NY, there are a series of signs that, when seen in sequence, take each and every one of you from happiness to bliss.

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Mormon Row Cowboy Barn — Jackson Hole — A Borbay Painting

Mormon Row Cowboy Barn by Borbay Full Res

When I was commissioned by Matt and Allison to create a Jackson Hole-inspired painting, they wanted me to experience things for myself, so it was wheels up, next stop Wyoming.

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