Tag: Brendan Ben Feeney

Borbay’s 2018 — A True Banger For The Books

Borbay 2018 Year in Review

2018, you sly fox. While all-up in you, I traveled the world, took two trips to Vegas, painted like mad, was Artist-in-Residence at Teton Springs, golfed 100 rounds, played lots of hockey, auctioneer-ed a charity event; and even officiated my first wedding!

With record sales, amazing collectors, great friends and a loving family at my side — I couldn’t be more grateful. And now… let’s break you down, and drop it like it’s hot — 2018.

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TWIN PEAKS SAN FRANCISCO — A Brendan Ben Feeney Collaboration

Twin Peaks Painting by Borbay

I’m honored and delighted to share the commissioned collaboration between yours truly, and artist extraordinaire — Brendan Ben Feeney. I met BBF on Twitter many years ago… in fact, he was kind enough to send Erin and I a photograph for our wedding back in 2011.

As time developed, so too did our friendship and admiration for one another. When Ben reached out with his idea, I couldn’t wait to begin our Twin Peaks collaboration.

Brendan Ben Feeney Twin Peaks Photo

Here is Ben’s amazing photograph, which guided the way. This work was featured in Tufts Magazine, along with an in-depth profile on BBF.


Here is the entire process inside of one minute… enjoy, and thank you to my boys, The Ambershift, for the delightful sounds.

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Citgo Sign Painting En Plein Air by Borbay

Citgo Sign Painting by Borbay

I first set foot on Boston University’s campus as a 17-year-old, 123-pound runner, looking to channel the Terrier. Despite graduating from the College of Fine Arts, I never painted live on the streets of Boston.

So, when I found myself in town for the first time in ten years… I decided to rectify this egregious error. With my penchant for neon, and the recent drama surrounding Citgo… the subject chose me.

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