Tag: Borbay

A Portrait of Rayes Lemmens

Rayes Lemmens Painting by Borbay

Introducing — my first signed painting of 2019 — a collage-painting portrait of my friend, Rayes Lemmens. I met Rayes last year, during my European adventure…

And now… let’s jump into the painting process, and discover how this came to be.

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Borbay’s 2018 — A True Banger For The Books

Borbay 2018 Year in Review

2018, you sly fox. While all-up in you, I traveled the world, took two trips to Vegas, painted like mad, was Artist-in-Residence at Teton Springs, golfed 100 rounds, played lots of hockey, auctioneer-ed a charity event; and even officiated my first wedding!

With record sales, amazing collectors, great friends and a loving family at my side — I couldn’t be more grateful. And now… let’s break you down, and drop it like it’s hot — 2018.

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Guggenheim #10 in my 20-Year-Series

Guggenheim Painting by Borbay #10

Introducing the 10th Guggenheim in my 20-year-series… aptly titled, “Guggenheim 10”.

By all accounts — this painting was a journey. After kicking-off the under-painting of this piece in June, I noticed the canvas was warped, so I slashed it to bits, and started over. Following that, I found myself traveling around the world… Vegas, Paris, Antwerp, Amsterdam… then, I received a beautiful wave of commissions. As a result… this piece took much longer than anticipated.


Here’s the process captured in time-lapse… thank you to my boy MH the Verb for the soundtrack.

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A Tale of Two Sahara’s, ala Vintage Las Vegas

Sahara Las Vegas Collage Painting by Borbay

I ran my first (and only) marathon in Las Vegas. We celebrated Erin’s 30th Birthday in Sin City. Since 2011, I’ve painted in the land of neon seven times.

So, you can imagine the stoke factor, when Kevin Barry Fine Art commissioned me to paint The Sahara — two times!


You can check the entire double feature above, in a shade over sixty seconds. Huge thanks to the Ambershift for a sizzling custom soundtrack! Now let’s take a closer look at these bad boys…

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Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival, QuickDraw, Borbay Exhibition

Borbay QuickDraw Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival 2018

Jackson, WY and Teton Springs, ID — World-renowned Teton Valley Artist, Borbay, will participate in the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival QuickDraw, for the first time on Saturday, September 15th, at 9:00AM in Jackson Hole Town Square. Borbay will have ninety minutes to create a masterpiece en plein air in front of a crowd — upon completion, the result will be auctioned to the highest bidder.

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The Art of Being Bill: Bill Murray and the Many Faces of Awesome

Buy The Art of Being Bill- Bill Murray and the Many Faces of Awesome

Stoked to share — my painting of Bill Murray as Dr. Venkman will be featured in a new book: The Art of Being Bill: Bill Murray and the Many Faces of Awesome by Ezra Croft and Jennifer Raiser!

This bad boy hits the shelves on August 28th — order your copy on Amazon.

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Victor Idaho Mural Painting by Borbay

Victor Idaho Mural Painting by Borbay

I’m beyond delighted to share the “Victor Idaho Mural” — 264-square-feet of neon, painted on-stage at Victor City Park!


Here are six weeks of work, distilled into 90-seconds. Thank you to my boy MH the Verb for a perfect soundtrack… now, let’s take a deep-dive into this massive project.

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A Collage Portrait of Doctor Robert I. Schattner

Dr Schattner Portrait Painting By Borbay

I had the great honor of being commissioned by the Robert I. Schattner Foundation, to create a collage painting of the late Doctor Robert I. Schattner. From humble beginnings, Dr. Schattner went on to invent, and sell, Chloraseptic. From there, he carefully charted stocks, and steadily built a portfolio that ultimately made him a 51% shareholder of Hancock, and one of the wealthiest people in Washington. Today, the University of Pennsylvania’s Dental School bears his name.

Dr. Schattner’s journey is explored in this painting.


Here is the entire creative process, distilled into 50 seconds. Now, let’s take a close look at the man whose world was guided by serendipity.

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Plate Of Love ala Guggenheim, Painted Live at Teton Springs


I’m excited to share my hand-painted-plate for this year’s 3rd Annual Plate Auction! I’m batting 1000% in participation for this amazing event, which will go down October 11th, at The Center For The Arts Jackson Hole. All proceeds from the evening will benefit Community Entry Services, Jackson Hole.


Created live at Teton Springs, you can view the entire process in 50 seconds above… scroll down for a closer look at each stage of the piece.

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Pour It On — An Interview With SOZ


When in Vegas, meet an EDM duo, and ink a licensing deal. Here is a Q&A with my new partners in creative collaboration… SOZ!

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