Tag: Van Gogh

Borbay’s 2018 — A True Banger For The Books

Borbay 2018 Year in Review

2018, you sly fox. While all-up in you, I traveled the world, took two trips to Vegas, painted like mad, was Artist-in-Residence at Teton Springs, golfed 100 rounds, played lots of hockey, auctioneer-ed a charity event; and even officiated my first wedding!

With record sales, amazing collectors, great friends and a loving family at my side — I couldn’t be more grateful. And now… let’s break you down, and drop it like it’s hot — 2018.

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Buying Art Over Time? Absolutely.

Central Park Southeast Painting by Borbay in Quarters

Acquiring art… one of the life’s great mysteries. How does one outside the ‘art world’, itself a grey and dubious term, go about buying? Didn’t I read that an embalmed shark went for $12M to Steve Cohen? You did. Numbers will numb the impulse…

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MOMA, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Football on Short Beach

Borbay Photography MOMA, Macy's Day Parade, Thanksgiving

Photographing someone watching someone else photograph Starry Night. Seven eyeballs, four lenses, one picture.

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Portrait and Light Exploration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Met Museum Borbay Snaps

I want you! to pass this blog around to all of your friends, and for chrissake, hit me up with more Tom Collins. Ah, a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art… where the lessons instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

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