Tag: Borbay.com

Painting Process | Via Del Lauro in Brera, Milan

Del Lauro

Today’s Milanese adventure brought me back to Brera, easily the most enjoyable part of Milan I have discovered thus far. After the obligatory two hours search (somehow) I settled on this Via, similar to yesterday’s view, which I enjoyed.

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Painting Process | Via Rovello in Brera, Milan

Via Rovello Milan Borbay

Based on a street recommendation, I lugged the ol’ easel back to Brera. After nearly two hours of searching, I came upon exactly the street I was looking for – Via Rovello. With a convergence point at the end of the road, I couldn’t resist and thus got to work.

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Painting Process | Woolworth Building, WhenTech 7WTC

Final Woolworth WhenTech

My painting of the Woolworth Building from financial technology leader WhenTech’s 34th floor 7 World Trade Center office has been completed. The first sessions focused on creating the structure during the day. Subsequent efforts included darkening the picture, then recreating the man-made lights at night.

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Painting Process | Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges @SSandK

Final SSandK Bridges

If He-Man were alive today, he might thrust his sword to the sky and declare, “I have the Power of the Twitterverse!”

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Painting Process | BUtterfield8 NYC Complete

Final Butterfield8

For the past two days, I have been painting in the lounge of Midtown hot spot, BUtterfield8 NYC. Lately, I have been inspired by a great many artists – friends and famous alike. There is much room for exploration in color and mark-making, and this piece focuses on both.

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Painting Process | Chrysler Building, 39th Street

Final Chrysler Building
Manhattan’s Art Deco masterpiece, the Chrysler Building, has been my favorite hi-rise for well over seven years and three months. After scouring Midtown for a view capturing the new and old, I set up shop in front of the W Hotel on East 39th Street, between Park and Lexington. A full painting process after the jump.

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Painting Process | Release To Orgasm


Ever have what “Alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity?” Sometimes, in order to release, you must yourself release, henceforth, allowing yourself to release. I was looking at one of my paintings, and “Started St. Patricks” (below) caught my eye – and inspired this particular canvas.

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Painting Process | See Why I Am, OK?


When I began this picture in Plymouth, Massachusetts, I had no idea where it would end. Something about the atmosphere in front of the British Beer Company created a feel, which could not be ignored. I will let the process speak for itself, after the jump.

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Painting Process | Charlie The Tax Man

Charlie the Tax Man

Let me state first, I am an a-political guy at heart. However, I do have a penchant for a good Houdini – and when it comes to making assets disappear… well, if you read the papers, you know Charlie The Tax Man can ghost a million like it’s hot.

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Painting Process | ESPN Zone NYC in Times Square

 ESPN ZONE final

After three days in Times Square, my ESPN Zone NYC picture has been completed. About a month ago, I was painting Elaine’s on 2nd Avenue, when ESPN Zone’s Marketing Manager stopped by. She inquired about my painting their storefront in honor of ESPN Zone NYC‘s ten year anniversary.

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