Tag: Milan

Borbay Paints Two Pictures at Disney’s Festival of the Masters Presented by Michaels

ARTPROV Disney Painting by Borbay

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of representing ARTPROV at Disney’s Festival of the Masters, presented by Michaels. I was commissioned to paint two 24″X36″ canvases: one a compilation of the six, live 20-minute ARTPROV shows; the other — a parkscape of Downtown Disney’s Pleasure Island.

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Painting Process | Bar Brera, Milan

Bar Brera

My final day in Milan lead me back to Brera, to capture it’s namesake Bar. Perhaps the similarities between Borbay and BarBrera drew me to this location? Or perhaps it was the doppio espresso and use of their facilities? Unfortunate fact of plain air painting in the city, if you choose a spot with no foot traffic or facilities, you are asking for trouble.

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Painting Process | Via Del Lauro in Brera, Milan

Del Lauro

Today’s Milanese adventure brought me back to Brera, easily the most enjoyable part of Milan I have discovered thus far. After the obligatory two hours search (somehow) I settled on this Via, similar to yesterday’s view, which I enjoyed.

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Painting Process | Via Rovello in Brera, Milan

Via Rovello Milan Borbay

Based on a street recommendation, I lugged the ol’ easel back to Brera. After nearly two hours of searching, I came upon exactly the street I was looking for – Via Rovello. With a convergence point at the end of the road, I couldn’t resist and thus got to work.

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Painting Process | San Marco Cathedral, Milan

San Marco Milan

Still wet, here is my first painting completed in Europe: San Marco Cathedral, in Milan. Located in Brera, this house of worship with a futbol field in the courtyard was built in 1254. It was since renovated in 1879 with a new brick facade (fact courtesy of Time Out Milan), yet retains a certain charm.

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