Tag: Borbay

Long Island City Pepsi Sign Painting by Borbay

Pepsi Sign Long Island City Painting by Borbay

I’m delighted to present my latest commissioned painting: The Long Island City Pepsi Cola Sign.

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Fan Photoshops Borbay’s Nucky in the Louvre With Jay Z and Beyonce

JayZ Beyonce Borbay Photoshop in Louvre

This afternoon, I was brunching with the ladies when I noticed this post on Instagram. If you didn’t hear, Jay Z and Beyoncé famously (and privately) toured the Louvre last week, and were photographed in front of the Mona Lisa. Thanks to a fine Photoshop job, my recently completed Nucky Thompson was framed and boom — meta. To answer many hot questions in one shot — Hip Hop’s Royal Couple did not acquire Nucky…

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A Portrait of Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson

Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson Painting by Borbay

“Never let the truth get in the way of a good story kid” — Enoch Malachi Thompson.

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Con Edison Tower Painting from Gramercy Park

Con Edison Tower Painting From Gramercy Park by Borbay

It was a beautiful two days painting alongside Gramercy Park. Not only did I explore a new stylistic approach, the Mayor of Gramercy Park — Arlene Harrison said hello, I had a traffic cop flash me his nipple, a dog peed on my easel bag, another dog left me a steaming treat, and, most pleasantly, I ran into Lisa and Co for extemporaneous cocktails in the park.

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Angelina Jolie, A Commissioned Portrait

Angelina Jolie Collage Painting Portrait by Borbay

Introducing my latest painting: a portrait of Angelina Jolie. She will be joining Mickey O’Pitt in a new collection… together in life, together in art.

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July Update: I’ll Guggenheim Your Draper

Pink Guggenheim by Borbay 2014

It’s Summer Time, which means Vitamin D, Antiheroes and Guggenheim #6. Here are the simmering updates… enjoy… thank you for being here.

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Guggenheim #6 AKA Pink Guggenheim

Pink Guggenheim by Borbay 2014

In 2009, I decided to paint the Guggenheim each year for 20 years… this is #6…

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Title Guarantee Building Painted from Perch’s Los Angeles Rooftop

Title Guarantee Building Painting by Borbay

As magic carpet ride that is Michael Jackson, Inc. continues,  I find myself in Los Angeles. I’ve been dying to paint here, so I decided to spend a few days and find the best rooftop view in Los Angeles. Thanks to Joseph and the awesome team over at Perch, mission accomplished.

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Help Harboring Hearts, Acquire Borbay’s Sheep Meadow

Central Park Sheep Meadow Painting by Borbay

I met Michelle Javian through a friend, and after a five minute conversation, I donated my Sheep Meadow painting. Her charity, Harboring Hearts, is doing amazing things…

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June Update: King of Pop, Sad Clown

Borbay and Zack O'Malley Greenburg at Forbes Photo by Glen Davis

There is now, officially, a Borbay newsletter… if you’d like to join, please do. Enjoy!

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