Tag: Borbay

Jackson Hole Still Works Spirit of Wyoming Label Contest

Jackson Hole Jackalope Painting by Borbay

JACKSON, WYOMING — On June 23rd, from 6:00-8:00PM, Jackson Hole Still Works and The Art Association of Jackson Hole will host the 3rd Annual Spirit of Wyoming competition. For the second year, I’m fortunate enough to have horse jackalope in the race.

Friends, do make your way to the Still Works Distillery this Friday evening… for the $15 price of admission, you will receive one complimentary (delicious) cocktail, and a vote for the winner. Your vote counts… each year the winner is decided to a handful or less — so grab a beverage and exercise your right to dress up a gorgeous bottle of vodka!

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Teton Theatre — Painted Live at The Four Seasons

Teton Theater Night Painting by Borbay

With time comes change. Recently, the Teton Theatre marquee was removed, making way for a new pizza joint (mmmm… pizza). And, so, as a man with great admiration for signs… I decided to spend my Saturday evening as Artist-In-Residence at Four Seasons Jackson Hole painting this classic, decommissioned slice of Jackson.


Want to see this baby come together in a minute? Check the video… and listen to MH the Verb and Kuf Knotz do their thing… believe.

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Welcome To Teton Village — Painted Live at The Four Seasons

Welcome to Teton Village Painting by Borbay

My third session as Artist-In-Residence at the luscious Four Seasons Resort and Residences Jackson Hole was quite a night! While painting the Welcome to Teton Village sign, I had some star-studded company… and even a little help from my friends.


Rock out to the entire process in a hot minute, soak in some MH the Verb… and be sure to keep reading… if only for the eyebrows.

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Atomic Liquors Las Vegas Painting by Borbay

Atomic Liquors Painting by Borbay

The energy of Fremont street followed me to Idaho. While in Vegas, I created a smaller painting of the Atomic Liquors sign… but I wanted to dig deeper. Go larger. So I did, to the tune of three by five feet.


You can jam out to the entire process in just over one minute. Do read-on for a blow-by-blow recap of this bad boy.

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Four Seasons Pink House — Painted Live

Pink House John Moulton Ranch Jackson Hole Painting by Borbay

If you find yourself in Jackson, be sure to visit the Mormon Row Historic District — it’s spectacular! The John Moulton ranch features this incredible pink house with views you can’t buy (literally, it’s historically preserved). So, you see, I had to paint it.


Here is the entire process with a voice over by yours truly. I channeled the Micromachine man. Remember that guy?

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Four Seasons Jackson Hole Cowboy — Painted Live

Neon Cowboy Four Seasons Jackson Hole Session Painting by Borbay

My summer artist residency at The Four Seasons Resort and Residences Jackson Hole kicked-off last night with a glowing cowboy! I’ll be creating a new 20″X20″ painting each week in the glorious Ascent Lounge — this was the first.


Would you like to see seven hours of art in a hot minute? Enjoy this time lapse, set to the magical music of Stefan Zeniuk. Do read on…

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As Fast As Fast Can Be — The Jackson Hole Jackalope Painting

Jackson Hole Jackalope Painting by Borbay

“You said you’d never paint animals!”

“I never said that.”

Actual quote from the Jackson Hole News & Guide, “There’s this notion of Western art and these traditional scenes with cowboys and Indians and I feel like the same bear and wolf have been painted maybe a thousand times,” (Borbay) said. “I love signage. I’m a city guy at heart. I want to bring my vision here. I’m not going to go and start painting just a bunch of straight-up animal scenes to cater to the market.”

Mmmm, those words are delicious. And so is the mythological Jackalope.


Let’s get back to square one, and watch this baby come together in time lapse… another beauty of a soundtrack from MH the Verb! Oh, and do read on for the hop-by-hop recap.

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Hollywood Sign Neon Painting by Borbay

Hollywood Sign Neon Painting by Borbay 2017

I’ve wanted to paint this for well over a decade, but I needed time to discover the right approach. Over the past year, I began wondering — what would the Hollywood Sign look like as a giant neon? There was precedent — at the turn of the millennium, the sign was ablaze in color — minus the tubes. So, with this as a general guide… I began to reinvent… on a large scale.


Check the full video… or read on, for a step-by-step analysis of the process.

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Howdy Stranger Yonder Is Jackson Hole Sign Painting

Howdy Stranger Jackson Hole Sign Painting by Borbay

Howdy Stranger! I’d like to introduce my latest painting…

You can experience a version of this beautiful sign at the top of Teton Pass. Another once graced the Jackson Hole Airport exit… alas, the times, they are a’changin.

Would you like to see the entire painting come together in one minute? Fantastic! Do read on for a detailed, step-by-step process analysis.

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A Breathtaking View From The Four Seasons Jackson Hole

Four Seasons Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Painting by Borbay

Ah, that Four Seasons Jackson Hole view… I had the great fortune of setting-up my easel to capture the legendary slopes for a second time…


Here is the entire process captured in time lapse… that soundtrack? Yes, MH the Verb is spectacular. Do read on friend…

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