Tag: Borbay

Rawhide Motel Neon Sign — Painted Live at Four Seasons Jackson Hole

Rawhide Jackson Hole Painting by Borbay

Sharpen those spurs… and take in this painting of the Rawhide Motel neon sign. This baby was painted live, at Four Seasons Jackson Hole… here’s how it all came together.


Thank you for the soundtrack help, my darling Vega. Oh, and you can take home this painting, if your wall is feeling bare and needs to be rawhide.

Welcome To Twin Peaks Neon Sign Painting

Welcome To Twin Peaks Painting Neon by Borbay

Welcome To Twin Peaks, fire, walk with neon… I’ve long admired the work of David Lynch, from film to sound to canvas. A consummate original, and architect of universes, I strove to capture a symbol of the great Lynch/David Frost series in a new light. Neon, to be specific.


Here is how the entire painting came together, captured in a one minute time lapse.

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Cowboy Bar Marquee Neon — Painted Live at Four Seasons Jackson Hole

Cowboy Bar Marquee Neon Painting by Borbay

My very first Jackson Hole inspired canvas featured The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar… on Saturday, I revisited this familiar image, in extreme close-up, at Four Seasons Jackson Hole!


Check the entire process in one minute, soundtrack courtesy of MH the Verb (and co). Added bonus? A very special freeze-frame smooch…

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Win The Spirit Of Wyoming Winning Painting!

Win A Jackalope Painting by Borbay

You can win the Spirit of Wyoming winning painting and support The Art Association of Jackson Hole by purchasing one, or many raffle tickets!

The Art Association has made visual art a vital part of creative life in Jackson Hole for over 53 years. The staff, board, instructors, and volunteers provided visual art experiences to over 21,000 people last year, including 228 low income or at-risk youth and outreach sessions for 23 different service organizations in the valley.

Hold on, back up, what is this and how did we get here? Let’s go back to 2014, and take it from the top.

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Double Bows Over Lucky’s — Painted Live at Four Seasons Jackson Hole

Bows Over Luckys Painting by Borbay

New week, new direction at Four Seasons Jackson Hole. This time — double rainbows over Lucky’s Market!


Watch this baby come together with a little help from my friend Brandon Ryan, and Ambershift Media, for the luscious soundtrack.

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The Kudar Motel Neon Sign — Painted Live at Four Seasons Jackson Hole

Kudar Motel Painting by Borbay

I decided to celebrate eight fabulous weeks of painting at Four Seasons Jackson Hole with the Kudar Motel!


Here is the entire process in one minute, soundtrack courtesy of Ambershift Media…

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Center For The Arts Jackson Hole at Ten Years

Center For The Arts at Night Painting by Borbay

The Center For the Arts Jackson Hole celebrated their 10th Anniversary last night with a sold out crowd at their Annual Benefit Concert with Lyle Lovett and His Large Band and The Center’s Annual Benefit After Party. I had the pleasure of live-painting this 24″X36″ canvas throughout the festivities, capturing the energy, spirit and goodwill of a community focused on the arts.


Here is a time lapse video, capturing my five hours of painting in one minute… shout to MH the Verb, Kuf Knotz and Chuck Mack for the soundtrack.

The Virginian Lodge Neon Sign — Painted Live at Four Seasons Jackson Hole

The Virginian Lodge Sign Painting by Borbay

I’ve been wanting to paint this sign for well over two years… and, so, Four Seasons Jackson Hole’s Ascent Lounge was the place, and Saturday was the time.


Here is the entire process, captured in a one-minute time lapse video… thank you Josh D. Reed for the gorgeous jazz track!

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Wilson Motel Neon Sign — Painted Live at The Four Seasons

Wilson Motel Session Painting by Borbay

Another Saturday chasing neon at Four Seasons Jackson Hole… cannot beat the live painting experience! This week, we had live music, cocktails and a visit from artist/entrepreneur extraordinaire — Haley Badenhop


Get your time lapse on, with some saucy lyrics courtesy of MH the Verb… whose new album cover I finished last week!

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Antler Motel Neon Sign — Painted Live at The Four Seasons

Antler Neon Sign Session Painting by Borbay

During week five as Four Seasons Jackson Hole’s Artist-In-Residence, I revisited an old friend — the Antler Motel.


Enjoy the painting process, soundtrack courtesy of Pete Pidgeon and Arcoda.

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