Tag: New York City

Painting Process | Eustace Tilley, The New Yorker Icon

New Yorker Eustace Borbay

The year was 1925, the heart of the roaring twenties. New Yorker protagonist Eustace Tilley (below) had little on his mind other than butterflies and jazz ensembles. That was then. Today, poor old Eustace is out of sorts. The headlines illustrate doom and gloom. Strange new breeds of Three Term Changing Butterflies demand attention… he feels guilty. A rich man in a sea of social decline, afraid of terrorism, wondering who wants to kill him and his way of life.

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Painting Process | Portrait of the Artist as a Not So Young Man and The Death of Print

Portrait Of The Artist As A Not So Young Man

Continuing on my new collage series, I decided to create a self portrait. With nothing but time – thanks broken leg – I decided to tackle a large-scale, three-by-four-foot format. Here it is, a portrait of the artist as a not so young man – comprised of the printed page, clippings from @TheNewYorkPost – which one day in the near future will no longer be in print, but rather illuminated on a digital screen. Read more

Painting Process | NY POST, Andy and Classic Vegas

Instead of tossing my daily delivery of the New York Post, I decided to turn them into art. My lady Erin gifted yours truly six 18″X24″ canvases for Christmas, a perfect size for collage paintings in a growing series. This set came to be after I spent some time looking at a piece I made back in 2003 (below) over the holidays.

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Painting Process | NY POST, US Weekly, Brad, Angie and the Gang

The New York Post + US Weekly + Acrylic Paint + Californication + Dexter = Christmas Painting Collage. As always, a traditional Borbay Christmas consists of the important ingredients as listed in the mathematical equation above. After the jump, my stream of conscious collage painting.

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Painting Process | Empire State Building Broken Leg Painting

Empire State Building Borbay

Sometimes there’s a man. Sometimes, that man spends 14 hours a day sitting on his couch, leg elevated, popping painkillers. That man is me, and this painting, is a 6″X18″ rendering of the Empire State Building. To date, I have done many Chrysler Building pictures, so it was high-time for an Empire.

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Painting Process | Woolworth Building, WhenTech 7WTC

Final Woolworth WhenTech

My painting of the Woolworth Building from financial technology leader WhenTech’s 34th floor 7 World Trade Center office has been completed. The first sessions focused on creating the structure during the day. Subsequent efforts included darkening the picture, then recreating the man-made lights at night.

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Painting Process | Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges @SSandK

Final SSandK Bridges

If He-Man were alive today, he might thrust his sword to the sky and declare, “I have the Power of the Twitterverse!”

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Painting Process | Chrysler Building @Headroomdigi

Headroom Borbay

On Monday, I requested a location with a view on my Facebook Wall and my HS friend, music executive Theresa Notartomaso, responded immediately. Thanks to Theresa, my easel and I found ourselves in front of a stunning view on the 19th floor of Headroom Digital‘s studio on 26th and Madison.

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Painting Process | BUtterfield8 NYC Complete

Final Butterfield8

For the past two days, I have been painting in the lounge of Midtown hot spot, BUtterfield8 NYC. Lately, I have been inspired by a great many artists – friends and famous alike. There is much room for exploration in color and mark-making, and this piece focuses on both.

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Painting Process | Chrysler Building, 39th Street

Final Chrysler Building
Manhattan’s Art Deco masterpiece, the Chrysler Building, has been my favorite hi-rise for well over seven years and three months. After scouring Midtown for a view capturing the new and old, I set up shop in front of the W Hotel on East 39th Street, between Park and Lexington. A full painting process after the jump.

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