Tag: Max Beckmann

A Day at The Metropolitan Museum of Art With Paul Zepeda

Metropolitan Museum of Art Photograph by Borbay

The best painting break in the world — a trip to one of Manhattan’s incredible museums. Up yesterday? The Met. It was yours truly and Paul Zepeda, with Betty Crocker riding shotgun, taking in the (sometimes neon) sights.

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Borbay and Lankin Paint Live at Broadway Bares XXI: Masterpiece in Manhattan

Broadway Bares Painting #1 by Borbay
Our Broadway Bares adventure began when Ari Lankin painted an impromptu tatoo on the arm of a Kriss Angel dancer in front of the Welcome to Las Vegas Sign. They suggested we paint live at Broadway Bares Las Vegas, which we did, at Planet Hollywood. A few weeks back, Ari received a call requesting the live-painting action for the fittingly named “Broadway Bares XXI: Masterpiece” at the Roseland Ballroom on Father’s Day (the Vegas installment was on Easter Sunday). And just like that, it was on.

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Portrait and Light Exploration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Met Museum Borbay Snaps

I want you! to pass this blog around to all of your friends, and for chrissake, hit me up with more Tom Collins. Ah, a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art… where the lessons instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

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Painting Process | Miracle on The Hudson


Following the miraculous crash landing of Flight 1549 in the Hudson, I was compelled to celebrate on canvas. This piece, which was recently sold, began with a New York Post cover and some drawing. Process after the jump.

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