Tag: Jason Borbay

Portrait and Light Exploration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Met Museum Borbay Snaps

I want you! to pass this blog around to all of your friends, and for chrissake, hit me up with more Tom Collins. Ah, a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art… where the lessons instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

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Painting Process | First Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota

First Avenue Minneapolis Borbay

When Erin booked a pair of tickets for the Minny-Apple, I decided to spend a few days capturing a marquee location. The destination? First Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Day time. On-location.

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Painting Process | Museum of Art and Design – Target Bernie Madoff

Mad Museum Borbay

I’ve had my eye on the controversial redesign of the Museum of Art and Design for some time. When I discovered a composition including the CNN Sign and the sexy Hearst Tower, how could I resist?

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Painting Process | Apple Store on 5th Avenue, Target Steve Jobs

Apple Store Painting by Borbay

Apple’s stock finally surpassed the mighty Microsoft, to the chagrin of Steve Ballmer no doubt. But wait, now there is a huge security flaw with the iPad… oh, and Steve Jobs thinks Flash is garbage. And Obama thinks the iPad is a major distraction – he told some recent college grads.

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Painting Process | My America, The United States of Today

Borbay My America Final

Standing before a blank 3’X5′ wall of canvas, a rush of memories and emotions crept up from the far reaches of my brain. To date, I have driven across the country five times, lived on both coasts and spent a summer pounding massive G&T’s at 8000 feet. A pebble cracked my windshield in Texas, five miles from my destination after driving 2000 consequence free miles. In Oklahoma, I went to dinner at the only diner in the town of Arbuckle, where the marquee read, “Happy Birthday Edna Arbuckle.” My gauge hit 130MPH in Montana.

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Viewers, Artists, critics: Exotic Creatures Interacting

Johns Critic Smiles

My friend Greg messaged me from Kenya, sharing some interesting perspective on the media, product placement and social mobilization. His point circled back to my general approach, positioning, and use of headlines.

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Featured Artist: Brandy Saturley – Canada’s (Aspiring) Rockstar Artist

Artist Brandy Saturley

Art and ambition are often one-in-the-same. Art and business savvy is, without question, the California Condor of the creative realm (I am watching The Tudors currently, the the world realm holds true.) Through the course of my daily Twitter discourse, I meet an array of talented, passionate people… cue Brandy Saturley. Her paintings rich with imagery, ranging from sexual to fantasy to pop, Brandy is an artist with a clarity of vision – a drive to create and promote.

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Plein Air | Robert F Kennedy Bridge (AKA TriBoro Bridge) Late Evening

Robert F Kennedy Bridge Painting

Nothing beats a quick, fresh and loose plein air painting session on a Saturday. Setting up on my roof deck, I decided to capture the TriBoro Bridge (renamed the Robert F Kennedy Bridge in a fit of fine fiscal judgment by the perpetually frisky, former fat kat of Albany.) My objective was to keep it loose, explore and play with the paint without an preconceived notions.

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Painting Process | Martin Brodeur Makes A Save With Much On His Mind

Martin Brodeur Painting Borbay

When I had the incredible opportunity to experience the Stanley Cup, I asked Cup-Keeper Mike Bolt (his father, Ron Bolt, is an epic artist) to recommend a goaltending subject… his referral was no surprise. Martin Brodeur, The Devils and Goaltending have been three in the same for 19 years. At this juncture in his career, he is fighting rumors of an early demise, despite shattering records and posting consistent numbers. This, I felt, was the right time to capture Marty.

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Painting Process | South Street Seaport Wender Commission Completed

Wender South Street Painting By Borbay

When Dave, Randi and I began discussing a commissioned piece, I asked them to think of meaningful places in Manhattan. After a few back and forth emails, they decided on the place they were married – the South Street Seaport. To get things rolling, I spent a sunny afternoon taking shots in the area from about twenty different angles. From there, I narrowed-down, cropped and emailed six choices to the Wenders.

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