Tag: Borbay.com

Painting Process | Dr. Bill Venkman Starring in the Kick Ass Actors Series

Dr Bill Venkman by Borbay

When I was a kid, I built a proton pack out of Construx, and fired vigorously into the clouds on an overcast day. My inspiration? Dr. Peter Venkman… a scientist that didn’t suck. So, 28 years later, I paid homage to one of my favorite characters (and actor) with this painting: Dr. Bill Venkman.

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Red Bull Curates NYC — A Photographic Journey

Red Bull Curates Borbay by Greg McMahon

Red Bull Curates New York City. In Brooklyn. At Villain. Here is a photographic recap of my night, through the eyes of Greg McMahon.

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Red Bull Curates NYC — Here is My Cooler

Tomorrow is the day… Red Bull Curates. It’s going to be epic. Here is a video of the creation of my fridge in one minute.

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Painting Process A Portrait of Simon Fredricks

Simon Fredricks a Portrait by Borbay

I’m delighted to release my latest commissioned portrait — Mr. Simon Fredricks. Simon contacted me by email expressing his interest in a portrait in the style of my actor series, a swift correspondence ensued, and off we went.

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Painting Process Ditch Plains Beach Bungalow, Montauk Long Island

Ditch Plains Beach Bungalow in Montauk Painting by Borbay

Another day in Montauk, another painting. Following an amazing evening at Navy Beach, Paul Zepeda and me hit Ditch Plains beach in search of good bungalow.

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Painting Process Navy Beach in Montauk Long Island

Navy Beach Montauk Painting by Borbay

When hockey teammate and friend Peter Niemi invited yours truly to join him in Montauk, I set the land-speed record for the word ‘yes’.

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A Day at The Metropolitan Museum of Art With Paul Zepeda

Metropolitan Museum of Art Photograph by Borbay

The best painting break in the world — a trip to one of Manhattan’s incredible museums. Up yesterday? The Met. It was yours truly and Paul Zepeda, with Betty Crocker riding shotgun, taking in the (sometimes neon) sights.

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ARTPROV at The Tank, A Painting for Charity

ARTPROV Borbay Painting July 2012

On July 12th, I joined the ARTPROV team for a performance at The Tank‘s beautiful new space. I created this painting in 80 minutes which will be auctioned to benefit The Life Through Art Foundation — stand by for details.

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Borbay on the BBC, Welcome One and All and All’s Facebook Friends

BBC Welcome Borbay

Thank you for stopping by. If you saw me here and found your way here — perfection.

Please take a moment to check out my work and process. Drop me a line anytime. Let’s get connected on Facebook and/or Twitter… if you like.

Painting Process The Welcome To Las Vegas Sign Redux 2012

Welcome To Las Vegas Sign Painting by Borbay 2012

Vegas baby! For a second year, Ari Lankin and yours truly, this year joined by Paul Zepeda, shipped off to Vegas for nine days of painting madness. I’m starting off with my Welcome to Las Vegas Redux painting… here is last year’s.

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