Tag: Borbay.com

Ryan Gander Doesn’t Know or Trust Me Because I Have Business Cards

Ryan Gander Knows It All

If an artist paints a beautiful picture, and nobody sees it, is it still beautiful? Friend and fellow artist Ari Lankin passed along this snippet from an interview between Hans-Ulrich Obrist and artist Ryan Gander which I must address.

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Iona College Art Appreciation Lecture | Presentation and Class Guggenheim Drawings

Iona College Art Appreciation Class Slide Show by Artist Borbay

This past Thursday, I had the honor of guest lecturing at Ryan Seslow‘s Art Appreciation Class at Iona College. Professor Seslow, Iona College and the students welcomed me with open arms. My objective was to visually introduce my background, work, process and daily routine.

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Woodstock Painting + Woodstock Action = Painting Action | Woodstock

Borbay Woodstock Painting Catskill

Sometimes, you must simply attack a canvas. Without process photos. Without a plan. With gusto.

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Sheep Meadow Painting and New Yawk Tee

Borbay Sheep Meadow Painting

Here is a view of my most recent location painting, Sheep Meadow with George Steinbrenner Keeping an Eye on Things. Here is the process post with a hastily assembled video. And, I am happy to report my sweet New Yawk Tee has arrived!

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Painting Process | Chester Country Estate PLUS Littleville Fair Pics

Chester Country House Painting Borbay

Erin and I spent the weekend chillaxin in Chester Massachusetts, population: few. We stayed in this sweet country house, which has the feel of a cabin, yet handles like a full blown house. After the jump, the painting process, along with the not-so-subtle note that this house and its 5 acres are for sale. Jump!

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Painting Process | Sheep Meadow Featuring Trump International Hotel & Tower, TWC, 15 CPW

Sheep Meadow Central Park Trump Tower Time Warner Borbay

When people look at me, they see the 180 pound artist with a funky hat, and a “modest to very modest” frame. When I say, “oh, hey, so I was a D1 distance runner in college” – they look at me and say, “wuhhhh??? Juhhhh???? Guh???”

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Painting Process | Sean Conner Kanye West Bear Commission

Kanye Bear Painting Borbay

It’s not every day you have the opportunity to pay double homage to artists of different disciplines. With this Kanye Bear painting, commissioned by the talented Melissa Duren, for the suave Sean Conner, I was able to give Murakami a high five, with a pound to Kanye West.

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Painting Process | Long Beach Bungalows

Long Beach Bungalow Painting by Borbay

When good ol’ Ari Lankin offered up a ride to Long Beach, I thought to myself, “yes, I would like to paint on the beach today.” A few minor roadside issues later, we were en route to the Smithtown High School relocation district. It was a fantastically sunny day, and my immediate inclination was to go ass to the ocean and paint some bungalows. After the jump, some wonderful photos by our friend Jaquen. Beware, there is a NSFW topless shot of yours truly.

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Portrait and Light Exploration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Met Museum Borbay Snaps

I want you! to pass this blog around to all of your friends, and for chrissake, hit me up with more Tom Collins. Ah, a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art… where the lessons instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

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Painting Process | First Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota

First Avenue Minneapolis Borbay

When Erin booked a pair of tickets for the Minny-Apple, I decided to spend a few days capturing a marquee location. The destination? First Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Day time. On-location.

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