Tag: Borbay Pricing

Borbay’s 2012 Contemporary Art Pricing Guide Lives on in 2021

Borbay Money at PS1

In creating a Contemporary Art Pricing Guide in 2012… I set out to establish a quantifiable financial structure for new artists. Nine years later, this chart found new life, when Author Rachel Wells, penned: “Pricing Artwork with Borbay’s Contemporary Art Pricing Chart.”

CAP was also referenced by Steve Schlackman in his recent piece: “Contract Negotiation Tips for Visual Artists.” Based on the significant traffic to my site stemming from both mentions, I recognized this as a fine moment to discuss art pricing.

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Tis’ The Reason…

…The Reason, to Season the Wall… with an original Borbay. Here is the 411 for acquisition during the 2020 holiday season.

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December Update: Serena, Boss, Babies

Jason and Coraline

Dear Friends, Family, Collectors and Fans — 2014 has been my finest year, and I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The easel has been on fire…

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