Tag: Big Lebowski

Going Nomad Part Two — Minnetonka to Jackson Hole

Borbet's Arrived In Jackson Hole

Following a beautiful decade in Manhattan, we decided to become nomads. Our first sojourn transpired in Minnetonka, Minnesota. For three glorious months, we painted, we fair’d, and yes, beautiful people… we bowled.

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Borbay Paints The Dude, aka Jeffrey Lebowski aka Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges as The Dude Painting by Borbay

I’ve wanted to paint The Dude for years… literally. Though, somehow, the timing never seemed right… until now. I’m on a streak of guilty pleasure canvases, and I don’t want the good times to end. Jeff Bridges and the Coen Brothers created a masterpiece and all-time cult classic with The Big Lebowski. And, let’s be honest, he has been painted by at least seven hundred thousand other artists… but to worry about that would be very un-Dude, and as an ordained Dudeist Minister, I gotta keep my mind, you know, limber.

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Painting Process | Empire State Building Broken Leg Painting

Empire State Building Borbay

Sometimes there’s a man. Sometimes, that man spends 14 hours a day sitting on his couch, leg elevated, popping painkillers. That man is me, and this painting, is a 6″X18″ rendering of the Empire State Building. To date, I have done many Chrysler Building pictures, so it was high-time for an Empire.

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