A Portrait of Patricia Barganier

A Portrait of Patricia Barganier by Borbay

I’m excited and honored to share this collage-painting portrait of dear friend, and collector — Patricia Barganier. We met during my first exhibition in Jackson many years ago, and became fast friends… bonding over our mutual love of art, family, Jackson Hole, fine cocktails, entrepreneur-ism and living life to the fullest.

Patricia Barganier Composition

When we decided to collaborate on this project, we spent a great deal of time choosing the perfect source image. After careful review — this became the clear favorite… and, we decided on a timeless black-and-white palette. From there, I interviewed Tricia about her life, dreams and goals — this helped us select the headlines and images. From there? The paint did fly.


Here is the entire painting process inside of one minute, with thanks to MH the Verb. BTW — if you watch until the end, listen for the first verse… it’s particularly close to my heart.

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Central Park — The Painting

Central Park Painting by Borbay

Frederick Law Olmsted was a genius of unfathomable proportion. This gentleman saw the center of a bustling island, and envisioned 1.317 square miles of trees, hills, bridges, lakes and pathways — and invented Central Park.

Having spent 12 years living in Manhattan (10 of which, were on the Upper East Side) — The Park was my home away from home, through which I ran 1000’s of miles, played 100’s of hockey games, and spent countless hours exploring, thinking, enjoying… being connected to my inner self.

So, when longtime collector, Debbie Paul, commissioned me to create this 48″x56″ acrylic on canvas painting — it became a most welcome time warp… and, eventually, my greatest creative challenge to date. You can view the time lapse immediately above… and click onward for the stroke-by-stroke recap.

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A Portrait of Jay Aydinalp-Mathews

Portrait of Jay Mathews by Borbay

Allow me to introduce my latest — a commissioned portrait of Jay Aydinalp-Mathews. Father, husband, brother, son, musician, writer, Donkey-league’r, world traveler, survivor, warrior — and a man committed to L-I-V-I-N.


Here is how this painting came to be in a time lapse video, featuring the man himself, in his band — Twin Star Rocket. Now, let’s take an in-depth look at the process and meaning behind this work-of-art…

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A Portrait of Rayes Lemmens

Rayes Lemmens Painting by Borbay

Introducing — my first signed painting of 2019 — a collage-painting portrait of my friend, Rayes Lemmens. I met Rayes last year, during my European adventure…

And now… let’s jump into the painting process, and discover how this came to be.

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Borbay’s 2018 — A True Banger For The Books

Borbay 2018 Year in Review

2018, you sly fox. While all-up in you, I traveled the world, took two trips to Vegas, painted like mad, was Artist-in-Residence at Teton Springs, golfed 100 rounds, played lots of hockey, auctioneer-ed a charity event; and even officiated my first wedding!

With record sales, amazing collectors, great friends and a loving family at my side — I couldn’t be more grateful. And now… let’s break you down, and drop it like it’s hot — 2018.

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Guggenheim #10 in my 20-Year-Series

Guggenheim Painting by Borbay #10

Introducing the 10th Guggenheim in my 20-year-series… aptly titled, “Guggenheim 10”.

By all accounts — this painting was a journey. After kicking-off the under-painting of this piece in June, I noticed the canvas was warped, so I slashed it to bits, and started over. Following that, I found myself traveling around the world… Vegas, Paris, Antwerp, Amsterdam… then, I received a beautiful wave of commissions. As a result… this piece took much longer than anticipated.


Here’s the process captured in time-lapse… thank you to my boy MH the Verb for the soundtrack.

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The London Eye — A Commissioned Gift

London Eye Painting by Borbay

My first trip outside of the US was to London… my brother, Tim, lived there… this city holds a special place in my heart. So, you can imagine how stoked I was to be commissioned by Randi and David Wender to create this painting as a gift for their newlywed friends — Lara and Neil (congratulations!)


You can check the entire process inside 60-seconds… dig that song? Check out The Rotaries

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A Tale of Two Sahara’s, ala Vintage Las Vegas

Sahara Las Vegas Collage Painting by Borbay

I ran my first (and only) marathon in Las Vegas. We celebrated Erin’s 30th Birthday in Sin City. Since 2011, I’ve painted in the land of neon seven times.

So, you can imagine the stoke factor, when Kevin Barry Fine Art commissioned me to paint The Sahara — two times!


You can check the entire double feature above, in a shade over sixty seconds. Huge thanks to the Ambershift for a sizzling custom soundtrack! Now let’s take a closer look at these bad boys…

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