A Portrait of Rayes Lemmens

Rayes Lemmens Painting by Borbay

Introducing — my first signed painting of 2019 — a collage-painting portrait of my friend, Rayes Lemmens. I met Rayes last year, during my European adventure…

And now… let’s jump into the painting process, and discover how this came to be.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

Kicking things off with a series of carefully curated headlines and images.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

Here comes the under-painting, and the all important shadows… you’d be amazed how important the location of the mouth, eyes and nostrils are to the overall likeness.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

Working tonally outward from the center, getting progressively lighter.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

As I was hammering away in greytones, I decided to jump a set of colors, and paint the highlights… this way, I could work in reverse from pure titanium white, to the greyscale previously established.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

Now, getting that second-to-last set of tones identified.

Rayes Lemmens Painting Process by Borbay

A grey wash in the background, along with a careful analysis… I had to rework some midtones to create greater depth in the face.

Rayes Lemmens Painting by Borbay

And, with details in the hair, eyes and midtones… the painting is complete! And, fittingly, let’s take a look at my recent European adventure…

Borbay in Belgium

It’s not every day you are invited for a personal tour, and meeting, at Belgian Parliament. Here I am with my friends Helene and Rayes. Thank you for an amazing afternoon Patricia!

Borbay in Belgium

With his mind on diplomacy, and diplomacy on his mind.

Borbay in Belgium

The trip wasn’t a bust, but this sculpture most certainly was. Can you guess who this is?

Borbay in Belgium

You may recognize this long, luxurious room from a television show…

Borbay in Belgium

Former Prime Minister of Belgium and first President of the European Council — Herman Van Rompuy. I dig the style of this portrait…

Borbay in Belgium

The tapestry of life…

Borbay in Belgium

The world is yours, the world is yours… ala Brussels.

Borbay in Belgium

It’s actually a spaceship.

Borbay in Belgium HKA Museum

I followed Tim Van Laere on Insta, and it paid off — found out about a major event at the HKA Antwerp. It was jammed…

Borbay in Belgium HKA Museum

Was particularly fond of this piece by Kati Heck.

Borbay in Belgium

Decided to get a massive tattoo while in town… of course, it’s well concealed, so you probably won’t see it…

Borbay in Belgium

Ah, the lights.

Borbay in Belgium

Toneelhuis… met a very cool woman who is married to the director… so we had to check it out.

Borbay in Belgium

What color is this fountain?

Borbay in Belgium

Old meets new.

Borbay in Belgium

A rainy day… perfect for meat sauce, a glass of red and a fine book… incidentally, The Sopranos Sessions.

Borbay in Belgium

Let, let me ride…

Borbay in Belgium

You have a good time in Antwerp? Church.

Borbay in Belgium

Orange you glad I took this photo?

Borbay in Belgium

All along the watchtower…

Borbay in Belgium

Follow the beam of light my child.

Borbay in Belgium

Unfortunately, they misspelled Borbay.

Borbay in Belgium

Pho-got the name of this joint, but it was delicious.

Borbay in Belgium

Ironically, it was a Bud Light.

Borbay in Belgium

Discovered Dogma… amazing cocktail bar in Antwerp. If you go, ask for Didier… tell him Borbay sent you.

Borbay in Belgium

And, I had the great fortune of seeing my good friend and collector Owen… he made the trip from Amsterdam for some good ol’ fun.

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