Central Park En Plein Air, The Guggenheim and The Carlyle

Spring is springing, and so, the outdoor painting season has begun! To kick things off, I decided to paint The Guggenheim and The Carlyle. Enjoy the video above, and a few process snaps along the way.

Also, if you have the time, watch the video twice… first looking at the canvas, next, the background. People in motion.

Starting with the Guggenheim? Yes please. But, it’s important to mention, this is not one of my Guggenheim For 20 Years paintings…

Guggenheim en plein air by Borbay

Love me some rotunda.

Guggenheim en plein air by Borbay

For this canvas, I decided to go for a multiple-color wet palette… this is different for me, as I typically work one color at a time in the studio.

Guggenheim en plein air by Borbay

This type of painting is about exploration, and breaking out of the routine.

Guggenheim en plein air by Borbay

It’s fun to bust out my fauve-rite colors (worst painting pun ever? It’s close.) The real Guggenheim #4 will commence this June.

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

The Carlyle in the distance… love the blossoming trees.

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

Does this comment make any sense to you? The day before I painted these, the light felt like 1986… has that ever happened to you? Freaks me out when I get time-warped.

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

For this canvas, I wanted to get my impasto on — fall under-painting, natch.

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

Ah, slabs of yellow for light… I like the word slab.

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

Getting the blues…

Carlyle en plein air by Borbay

Oh yes, there it is, the pink on the trees… then all over the place. It’s spring again.


Big Lobby Art opens this Thursday… here are the details!


It’s back to Vegas for yours truly… April 14-23rd… big updates forthcoming!


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