At the tail end of January, Ken Marquis hit me up about the landmark global artist reclamation project. In his words, “The project will involve one thousand and forty-one (1,041) artists worldwide. To date there are over nine hundred artists involved across 51 countries. This artist initiative is by far the largest undertaking of its kind.”
So, I signed-on to polish a hub cap.
And now, some New York Post love.
Starting out with a layer of New York Post, masthead front and center. Process achieved with a wide paint brush, acrylic gel medium and a great deal of whiskey patience.
Eliminating the pigmented news print on the inner ring with titanium white, and cadmium red on the outer.
Like the movie The Ring, with far less Naomi Watts screaming.
A red ring on the outside.
Filling the rest with alternating hot and cold color scheme from the center logo to the outer ring. Think of color theory as a relationship.
From the side, guest starring a flood of daylight and my lime green living room wall.
The other side of the cap.
In direct conflict with my IMDB profile (6’3″ 220 pounds) I am 5’9″ 180, so this is the size perspective shot. The cap is 10″ in diameter.
Satan S In “Heist”.
New York Post bending, folding, changing color and shape.
Lost Love. Because a lot of people lost love. And I for one love watching Lost.
An Excuse running off the edge and falling into the abyss (or other side of the hub cap).
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