The second portrait in my series following Jay-Z will be Kanye. To prepare, I hung out with some H.A.M.’s last night. The location? Jeremy Penn‘s studio. The event? Four Loko, hip-hop beats and three artists slinging paint. After the jump, a quasi-Kanye study and some atelier shots.
Jeremy looking at a strange hybrid of his muse and Kanye, while Bridget Bardot looks on.
Ari Lankin feeling satisfied and Four Loko’d in front of his evenings combine.
Ari and me stepped in a monster ice puddle on 23rd Street, so here he is drying his shoes with Jeremy’s heat gun.
Artist in his atelier — Jeremy Penn chillaxin.
A bizarre 12″X30″ Kanye study, which I created from both Jeremy’s Kanye drawing and William Murphy, the star of Jeremy’s new series.
My man went HAM on this painting! Looking forward to the next Kanye painting!!!!