Sometimes there’s a man. Sometimes, that man spends 14 hours a day sitting on his couch, leg elevated, popping painkillers. That man is me, and this painting, is a 6″X18″ rendering of the Empire State Building. To date, I have done many Chrysler Building pictures, so it was high-time for an Empire.
Inspired by Inglorious Basterds, I began with the usual red under-drawing without wielding a baseball bat.
An iced coffee, the picture I took and used for inspiration, Hooker’s Green and a big screensaver.
While the gun-play in the basement scene played itself out, I pondered how detailed the sky should be.
Ah lime and dark green, it’s like a Mountain Dew waterfall cascading from a dense rain forest crevasse.
Perhaps I could have filled-in the whites here with red or pink and called it a day, no?
Keeping it moving, with the new background addition of our Christmas Tree, courtesy of Erin and Kelsey.
Harnessing the power of complements, an orange to strike a stark contrast with the blues throughout.
Hooray for painkillers, Christmas Tree Lights and a swirling sky – referred to as reminiscent of Ghostbusters via Twitter.
Adding a reflective, darker blue, and defining the windows of the Empire State.
A lighter sky with some highlights.
Capturing a more accurate building color in the foreground, just one round of darks away from completion.
And the final! It was a pleasure to finally paint this beautiful piece of New York’s skyline.
Fantastic! The Empire State as ediface on a “very upright” canvas…nice statement. I’m still baffled how the process goes from point A to point Z, but it’s a pleasant journey and I love the final touches.
Happy recovery!
@Tom: Thank you – here’s looking forward to catching an art session with you in the non-too-distant future!