I remember someone asking me, “have you seen Dexter — amazing show.”
As a man who enjoys a fine serial, I tuned-in and was hooked after the first episode. Dexter is truly one of the most remarkable Anti-Heroes in the New Golden Age of Television.
With seven seasons of Dexter in the books, it took me some time to choose the precise moment… this image is from the pivotal scene in Season 4, when Arthur explains his Sister’s death to Dexter. Not only is Season 4 widely considered the best, it was Dexter’s first as a Father… close to home for this guy.
When sourcing headlines for Dexter, I had so many to choose from… this is what the third stage in the process looks like — disorganized chaos.
Laying things out in a way that makes sense… I sent this out for some feedback to my friend Robert, who owns the other two anti-heroes I’ve created (Walter and Tony). We are both Dexter fiends.
Trimmed and ready… the images throughout explore the concept of Dexter’s Dark Passenger… many heavy artistic references.
Collaged down and ready for the paint.
A pure Cadmium Red Medium background was the soup du jour from the get go, so a nice grass green was the chosen under-painting tone.
Red, Red, Red. Breaking down pieces of a person into shapes can be quite revealing. On the composition: I almost never chop off any part of a subjects head… however, if you watch closely, Dexter’s full head is rarely in frame. In fact, he is often cut-off at the forehead for a close-up on his expressive face…
Red wash with gel medium.
Shadows first… Emerge from the darkness.
Electric blues… I’ve been exploring pure tonality juxtaposed with pastels in this series to create dramatic lighting.
Light blues abound.
In Season Two, Dexter is speaking in his Narcotics Anonymous group, and describes in great detail removing his mask… this is what I’d venture that mask looks like.
In order to choose the appropriate colors, it was important to nail down the background first.
Eyes, and the beginning of another round of tones… he is starting to come to life.
This was that point where I began to feel, OK, this painting is going to be the hotness.
Balancing the face with another series of shapes.
Here is where the gravity felt right. All that remains are a few tonal balances, hair, and selective darkening of the shirt.
Boom! Dexter. Break out your blood slide, carefully place it in the case and stash it in the AC Unit.

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