Something new. Something different. For reasons I can not yet share, I was presented with the opportunity to create a large scale painting of an African landscape. Based on four different photographs, I cobbled together a composition on this 48″X60″ canvas.
Here is the entire process in just over a minute with a luscious soundtrack courtesy of the one, the only, Kuf Knotz. Check him there, on Twitter and Instagram.
I stand at 6’9″ so you can tell, this is a big ass canvas. Oh, and by 6’9″, I meant 5’9″.
The blank wall of canvas, staring me down a world full of possibilities.
Working this large for only the second time in a long time, I let loose with a rough charcoal sketch hands dirty, mind wide open.
I’m a sucker for the complementary under painting so red, yellow, orange and magenta all got some action.
Ripping some moody blues.
Swirly dark skies loom and descend over the hills.
Smooth foreground of greens.
Melon hills erupting from the center of the canvas. They’re not really erupting, I simply felt like a descriptive word with balls.
Distant purple pills hills.
Got deep into the sky, creating some hard edges… light and dark, dueling in the heavens.
Father’s Day love from my gorgeous wife and baby girl…
Wrapping this bad boy up on the roof, which turned out to be helpful for two reasons: it was easy to see the true colors, and I needed some Vitamin D.
Glowing hills.
Trees. Grass. Complete!
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