Through the Major League Baseball Fan Cave, I’ve met some incredible people — one such individual is Doctor Thomas Haveron. After a few phone calls, Doc told me about his MVP Foundation, I offered to get involved… and that’s how I ended up painting Robinson Cano and David Robertson.
Here is the entire painting process in just over a minute, set to the beats of the soon-to-be legendary Mike Jaggerr.
The source image for this painting was graciously provided by Danny Wild, an Editorial Producer and (excellent) Photographer for Major League Baseball.
Beginning with the headlines… Cano was named after Jackie Robinson… Slug Fest is self explanatory, and, while I’m sure Reggie might bristle at the thought, Yankees’ fans wouldn’t mind if Cano stole the title of Mr. October.
Getting in there with some deep blue, blocking out the shadows.
From there, it was a quick splashdown of the secondary and tertiary tones, bringing the picture up-to-speed relatively swiftly.
As the tones get lighter, the image begins to form.. I actually jumped the gun a bit on this picture, and went into detail too early. Much of it was later painted out and redone.
At this point, I knew I wasn’t far off, but it didn’t feel right… back through another color cycle.
Beginning to make visual sense of things… simplifying shapes.
I decided the jersey should be a flat color, as I didn’t want it to compete for visual attention.
And complete — Number 24, New York Yankee, Robinson Cano, in a sea of Yankee blue. Once again, a big thank you to Danny Wild for the source image. I’d also like to show my appreciation to Mike Jaggerr for an amazing video soundtrack and the ace team at Christopher Burke Studio for capturing the paintings perfectly.
Stand by for some exciting news about these Yankees.
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