Welcome to the Domino Sugar Factory…
A few years back, fellow artist Jeremy Penn suggested I paint this soon-to-be-history landmark… as it happens, I moved downtown and found myself passing this treasure on a daily basis. So, I decided to snap her up and make a 40″X40″ canvas out of the ol’ gal.
Pour some sugar on this process video, with a syrupy delicious soundtrack courtesy of djoj — check him out here and here.
Drawing all over the plastic wrap makes me feel cool and hip. Or, at least, makes my hips feel chilly.
Toilet paper and water… just the essentials.
Red and orange, the under painting of choice for this guy.
Blue light beam from the smoke stack? Why not.
Figuring which parts of the painting will overlap by way of beam… the head-scratch-er.
Whacking into the Domino factory with some typography… one of my favorite things in the world, right Paul Rand?
Despite yet another losing season, I often find inspiration in the Mets.
OK, this thing is beginning to find form. Sharpening large swatches of canvas.
Working into the factory while my wife and her sister watch True Blood. If you think a show featuring werewolves, shape-shifters and vampires having sex/killing one another is ridiculous, try listening to it without visuals.
Foreground gradient. At this point, I had no idea I’d be painting over most of the factory with a yellow beam…
The pillar on the right with the bricks was giving me all sorts of trouble… how to resolve this thing?
First, I thought a bright light beam from the sign would work… turns out, I was completely wrong.
So I brought in the darkness, and this is where it began to click… mixing night with day… a splash of twilight. Multiple systems, like balancing a dinner with a seafood appetizer, lasagna main course and mango ice cream for dessert… it can be done, but only if it is well balanced and complementary.
Making those bricks darker, now they feel more brickly.
The biggest risk, but highly rewarding… the twilight cross beam.
Down to the wire, adding the yellow light… figuring how to resolve the water.
And boom, there you have it, the Domino Sugar Factory!
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