From the New York Times: “One of dozens of teams in the adult coed league run by Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers, the Lions are also one of five that belong to the New York City Gay Hockey Association. On the ice a spirited match against a straight team called TBD was under way.”
Being cool regardless of orientation is a must. Us beer leaguers of TBD (the yellow team) always enjoy skating opposite the well-stacked-for-the-playoffs Lions. I also happen to be straight. However, to brand an entire team as straight without even checking is lazy and irresponsible.
I simply had to point out the dangers of labeling, I am sure, this article set out to evangelize. Takeaway lesson: even at 11:30PM on a Friday in an empty arena, play like the New York Times is watching. That’s probably a good way to live life in general. Also, for the record, TBD doesn’t stand for anything. It was our default placeholder when we joined the league three years ago, and we thought it had a nice ring to it.
Onward to straight hockey victories! We would entertain a true sponsor! Any sponsor will do…

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